Charity Spotlight: Clare’s Wish Foundation

Who They are?

Clare’s Wish Foundation was founded in 2013 and is supported entirely by individuals, businesses and community groups. 

They are the only Irish charity dedicated to providing wishes exclusively to adults with terminal illnesses. The charity is in memory of the founder’s sister Clare Clancy. Clare, was born with Spina Bifida.

Clare passed away, aged just 24 years old

Why They Started?

In June 2011, the founder's father passed away after five months of a courageous battle with pancreatitis. This changed the founder’s outlook on life. After spending more than twenty years in the retail trade, he felt a deep desire to help others and decided to do everything in his power to grant the wish of adults with a life threatening or terminal illness.  

What They do?

 They have been very fortunate to have been able to grant some beautiful wishes for families and some of the Foundation’s largest wishes granted to date. It is not always about the wish itself but bringing families together for that final family photograph. Due to lack of funding it’s not always possible for them to grant wishes alone and as a result they have been able to build extremely generous partnerships and collaborations with local businesses.

●     Log Cabin for Jemma McGowan (27) (Omagh Co Tyrone). This is Jemma's second time facing a cancer diagnosis and she is currently fighting advanced stage 4 ovarian cancer. Jemma's wish was for a log cabin, where she could set up her bed, continue her treatments & store her suitcases of medication safely away from her small children. When her time is up, she would love for the cabin to be a nice place for her children & husband to go to remember her. Clare’s Wish Foundation teamed up with and co-fundraised to make this wish come true - Wish Granted Aug 21

· This video gives a little summary of past wishes granted & will show people where their funds raised go 


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